The parish nursing ministry invites registered nurses from St. Joseph Parish to share their time, talent, and expertise to promote holistic health and the well-being our parish community. Our nurses will be committed to health promotion through education and counseling.
Nursing Students from Widener University also participate under supervision as part of their community outreach and service components.
REQUIREMENTSRN licensure in the state of Pennsylvania is required.
RECOMMENDED PRACTICES- Personal professional malpractice insurance highly recommended
- Completion of the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing’s “Foundation of Faith Community Nursing” Certificate Program is highly recommended
We value your time and busy schedules! Only minimal time commitment is needed. For more information, please register below or contact:ACTIVITIESA number of regular and on-going activities are under consideration. These include:
- After Mass Activities (generally held in the St. John Neumann Room)
- Blood Pressure Screening
- Brief Heart Health presentations
- Brief Prostate Awareness Presentations
- Prevention of Pediatric Summer Accidents
- Scheduled, Stand-alone Events
- First Aid / CPR / AED Course
- Babysitter Safety / Pediatric CPR
- Health Fair, bringing in various community health resources to provide awareness
The nurses may also offer to make customized presentations to other parish ministries, such as the Knights of Columbus, Moms’ Group, Youth Ministry, etc.